Florian, nice talk at ComNetsBremen, thx. I tried CoPilot, but from the suggestions I am getting, my settings.json is incomplete. Would you mind sharing the snippet of your settings.json relevant to Toit?
bmentink11/07/2022 12:06 AM
Yep, a small tutorial/HOWTO on using CoPilot with Toit/VSC would be great .. @floitsch
floitsch11/07/2022 08:05 AM
There is nothing to be done specifically for Toit. Copilot tries to fit the style to the existing code in your file. As soon as you have a bit of code it should just work.
davidg23811/07/2022 03:25 PM
Maybe "startup" was the issue. The first few suggestions looked like Javascript, now much better. So the tutorial might be: install it, don't try to configure it, use it and after a little coding, it catches on. Thx.
floitsch11/07/2022 03:25 PM
That's how I did it.
floitsch11/07/2022 03:25 PM
It definitely uses the current file a lot.
floitsch11/07/2022 03:26 PM
I found that it works really well for repetitive things, like tests.
floitsch11/07/2022 03:26 PM
Even better, if you state (in a comment) the different cases you want to do.