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#Error forkexec homepi.cachejaguarsdkbintoit.compile no such file or directory
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damo | Sourceful Labs ⚡
damo | Sourceful Labs ⚡ 12/05/2022 03:52 PM
Does this seem like a path issue? just installed jag using GO, but i pulled the raspi sdk by cloning the jaguar repo and editing setup.go to fetch the raspi SDK and ran the setup that way.

Error: fork/exec /home/pi/.cache/jaguar/sdk/bin/toit.compile: no such file or directory
damo | Sourceful Labs ⚡
damo | Sourceful Labs ⚡ 12/05/2022 03:55 PM
When i run jag run app.toit, nothing happens in the monitor session.
damo | Sourceful Labs ⚡
damo | Sourceful Labs ⚡ 12/05/2022 04:08 PM
I should also say that jag flash and jag monitor works fine
floitsch 12/05/2022 05:01 PM
floitsch 12/05/2022 05:01 PM
Normally, the jag setup should have set up the SDK.
floitsch 12/05/2022 05:02 PM
Could you verify if /home/pi/.cache/jaguar/sdk/bin/toit.compile exists?
floitsch 12/05/2022 05:02 PM
If it does, can you run it with --help ?
floitsch 12/05/2022 05:02 PM
If that fails with the same error message, then it's probably a version conflict.
floitsch 12/05/2022 05:03 PM
That is, the OS version (specifically libc) you are using might not work with the toit.compile executable.
damo | Sourceful Labs ⚡
damo | Sourceful Labs ⚡ 12/05/2022 05:03 PM
It does. Alright, let me fire up my laptop real quick (on the bus atm)
floitsch 12/05/2022 05:03 PM
no worries.
floitsch 12/05/2022 05:03 PM
I need to leave soon, so I might not be able to follow up for the next hours too.
damo | Sourceful Labs ⚡
damo | Sourceful Labs ⚡ 12/05/2022 05:04 PM
Alright then, I'll leave a post either way. Thanks a lot for the quick response
floitsch 12/05/2022 05:04 PM
If it's an OS mismatch, the easiest would be to upgrade the raspberry pi OS. (assuming it's an older one).
damo | Sourceful Labs ⚡OPdamo | Sourceful Labs ⚡
Alright then, I'll leave a post either way. Thanks a lot for the quick response
floitsch 12/05/2022 05:04 PM
Yes. Please do so!
Also keep pinging if it looks like I have forgotten.
floitsch 12/05/2022 05:05 PM
At some point I will try to figure out why our static compilation isn't working...
damo | Sourceful Labs ⚡
damo | Sourceful Labs ⚡ 12/05/2022 05:05 PM
But basically installing the sdk using jag setup is enough if jag is installed with go?
floitsch 12/05/2022 05:05 PM
Yes. I think so.
floitsch 12/05/2022 05:05 PM
The no such file or directory is almost certainly a libc (or something similar) it can't find.
damo | Sourceful Labs ⚡
damo | Sourceful Labs ⚡ 12/05/2022 05:06 PM
Cool, cheers :😊:
If that fails with the same error message, then it's probably a version conflict.
damo | Sourceful Labs ⚡
damo | Sourceful Labs ⚡ 12/06/2022 04:24 PM
Seems like that is the case here :🙂:
damo | Sourceful Labs ⚡
damo | Sourceful Labs ⚡ 12/06/2022 04:24 PM
I will clean everything and start from scratch
floitsch 12/06/2022 04:24 PM
Which version do you use?
floitsch 12/06/2022 04:25 PM
Which raspberry pi?
Which OS?
floitsch 12/06/2022 04:25 PM
32/64 bits?
damo | Sourceful Labs ⚡
damo | Sourceful Labs ⚡ 12/06/2022 04:28 PM
raspberry pi 4, Debian 64-bit
floitsch 12/06/2022 04:28 PM
are you using the 64-bit version of Jaguar?
damo | Sourceful Labs ⚡
damo | Sourceful Labs ⚡ 12/06/2022 04:36 PM
Installed it using go, so not 100% sure. Running jag setup outputs the following:
damo | Sourceful Labs ⚡
damo | Sourceful Labs ⚡ 12/06/2022 04:36 PM
floitsch 12/06/2022 04:36 PM
Could you do a file /home/pi/.cache/jaguar/sdk/bin/toit.compile ?
floitsch 12/06/2022 04:37 PM
I'm wondering if Jaguar actually supports downloading for the Raspberry Pi.
damo | Sourceful Labs ⚡
damo | Sourceful Labs ⚡ 12/06/2022 04:37 PM
floitsch 12/06/2022 04:38 PM
I think that's the Linux SDK.
floitsch 12/06/2022 04:38 PM
The easiest is probably to just replace the SDK by hand.
damo | Sourceful Labs ⚡
damo | Sourceful Labs ⚡ 12/06/2022 04:40 PM
On it! :🙂:
floitsch 12/06/2022 04:41 PM
rm -rf /home/pi/.cache/jaguar/sdk cd /tmp wget tar x -f toit-rpi64.tar.gz mv toit /home/pi/.cache/jaguar/sdk
floitsch 12/06/2022 04:41 PM
should be something like this.
floitsch 12/06/2022 04:42 PM
sorry. I didn't catch this earlier...
floitsch 12/06/2022 04:43 PM
"fun" thing is, that I even wrote a PR 2 weeks ago that would have caught this:
damo | Sourceful Labs ⚡
damo | Sourceful Labs ⚡ 12/06/2022 04:43 PM
Totally ok, I actually attempted this earlier, by modifying and hard-coding the following line
Use live reloading over WiFI to turbo-charge developing for your ESP32. - jaguar/setup.go at main · toitlang/jaguar
floitsch 12/06/2022 04:44 PM
That should work too.
floitsch 12/06/2022 04:44 PM
You would need to remove the old one, though.
floitsch 12/06/2022 04:44 PM
jag setup first checks whether there is already an SDK with the correct version.
floitsch 12/06/2022 04:44 PM
(No check for the arch, though).
``` rm -rf /home/pi/.cache/jaguar/sdk cd /tmp wget tar x -f toit-rpi64.tar.gz mv toit /home/pi/...
damo | Sourceful Labs ⚡
damo | Sourceful Labs ⚡ 12/06/2022 04:50 PM
Done, seems like a 32-bit version is pulled anyway, or?
floitsch 12/06/2022 04:51 PM
I think that's true.
floitsch 12/06/2022 04:51 PM
However, the esptool in the tools folder is different.
floitsch 12/06/2022 04:51 PM
That one should be 64bits.
48 messages in total