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#'toit' is not recognized as an internal or external command
Thread channel in help
clpelema 01/14/2023 09:51 AM
I flashed my ESP32 through the jaguar cli and now it is not being claimed in the console. The claiming process uses toit command though. I followed all the steps but the toit command does not seem to be working, the jeg command does. Do I have to add toit to my PATH manually? thanks
clpelema 01/14/2023 09:55 AM
Update: when i flash the ESP32 through the console, it is being claimed but it is not being discovered when using jag scan in the CLI...
floitsch 01/14/2023 11:30 AM
Jaguar and the console don't work together.
The console (and the toit executable) are, what we call, v1.

Jaguar is v2.

For v2 there is currently no fleet management solution. We are working on it. That said: the new application (codename "Artemis") is a command line application and not web based anymore.
clpelema 01/14/2023 12:55 PM
I see, thanks! This was not all that clear to me.. (very new to toit though)
floitsch 01/14/2023 12:57 PM
We are trying to remove references (links, documentation) to the old v1 offering, but some might still be out there.

Let us know if there was one we should change (assuming we have control over it).
floitsch 01/14/2023 12:59 PM
If you are new, my recommendation is to start with this tutorial:

It needs a few minor updates (which I have marked in the comments) but it's otherwise pretty thorough.

Don't hesitate to leave comments if something is wrong or missing
Get Started with Toit This document provides simple instructions on how to get started with Toit. It is loosely inspired by Makerfab's MicroPython course and uses the same hardware. In Europe the kits are available here: If you ...
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