I've moved my ESP32 to a different position and I need to reconfigure the wifi SSID and Password. However I do not want to re-flash. Is there a way to do this over serial by any chance?
floitsch01/20/2023 08:04 PM
There is no way to do this over serial.
floitsch01/20/2023 08:05 PM
This is strongly related to the provisioning discussion in general . Fundamentally, you need to install an application that will change the credentials.
floitsch01/20/2023 08:05 PM
You could use WiFi (a new access-point), Bluetooth, or some other means for this.
floitsch01/20/2023 08:06 PM
The default serial port is kind-of taken by the system at the moment.
floitsch01/20/2023 08:06 PM
There is a way to remap the system-uart pins to something else, and then use the serial input for your own things, but that requires building a new firmware.
floitsch01/20/2023 08:06 PM
(and I haven't tested that yet).
mattsoftware01/20/2023 09:26 PM
So when you say an application thats just a standard toit app? I might try and follow that discussion more closely then. Thanks
floitsch01/20/2023 09:26 PM
floitsch01/20/2023 09:27 PM
The following instruction would update the configuration wifi.open --ssid=ssid --password=password --save
floitsch01/20/2023 09:27 PM
The difficulty is now to get the new configuration.
floitsch01/20/2023 09:28 PM
There are plenty of ways (BLE, uart, ...) but the most common is to create an access point and to let the user to connect to it.
floitsch01/20/2023 09:28 PM
Personally, I prefer different methods (as I don't want my phone to switch to a different network), but it's the most used one.
mattsoftware01/20/2023 10:04 PM
100% - Will be a good experiment to learn the bluetooth connection as well - i'm only new to jag but the more I use it the more I like it - Thanks again for your help. I'll see how much time I get to play over the weekend