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#Error with ESP32-C3 (failed to target RAM)
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bpmct 03/14/2023 10:16 PM
Hi - I'm running into this issue with my c3. Any ideas?

➜ jaguar jag flash --chip esp32c3 Flashing device over serial on port '/dev/cu.usbmodem552E0028621' ... v3.3.2-dev Serial port /dev/cu.usbmodem552E0028621 Connecting.... Chip is ESP32-C3 (revision 3) Features: Wi-Fi Crystal is 40MHz MAC: 10:91:a8:36:3f:08 Uploading stub... A fatal error occurred: Failed to write to target RAM (result was 01070000: Operation timed out) Error: exit status 1
bpmct 03/14/2023 10:19 PM
Hmm... seems to work on another board. Could totally be something defective on my other board
bpmct 03/14/2023 10:57 PM
This seems to happen relatively consistently but I managed to flash one of my boards
bpmct 03/14/2023 11:13 PM
Ok I'm trying on a Linux machine and it works for every device.
floitsch 03/14/2023 11:13 PM
This is happening during flashing. Right?
bpmct 03/14/2023 11:13 PM
floitsch 03/14/2023 11:13 PM
We are using the standard esptool under the hood.
bpmct 03/14/2023 11:14 PM
Super interesting... I'll see if there's some issue with esptool, my system, and these boards
floitsch 03/14/2023 11:14 PM
We just bundle it up with the pyinstaller
bpmct 03/14/2023 11:14 PM
Anyways it works fine on my Linux machine so I'll just use that for flashing :😄:
floitsch 03/14/2023 11:17 PM
Sounds good.
We will continue listening to feedback. Maybe we are using a version that is older, or the windows executable isn't working right.
If more users run into it we will investigate a bit further.
Unfortunately none of us use Windows, so we aren't always seeing Windows issues early.
bpmct 03/15/2023 12:15 AM
Ah - I saw it on MacOS. But yeah I will also do some digging and keep you posted if I find anything. But I'm not blocked or anything at all, so it's no big deal for me(edited)
floitsch 03/15/2023 05:36 AM
Could you check which usb-serial converter chip the failing board uses?
floitsch 03/15/2023 05:37 AM
According to it could be a driver issue.
(Please delete any lines which don't apply.) Operating system: Windows 10 Python version: 3.64 ESP hardware in use: ESP8266 on Itead SonOff smart WiFi switch (basic) Detecting chip type... ...
floitsch 03/15/2023 05:38 AM
Especially for CHxxx chips.
floitsch 03/15/2023 05:41 AM
I think this is the official way of installing the ch driver:
MacOS USB driver for USB to serial chip ch340, ch341, ch342, ch343, ch344, ch9101, ch9102, ch9103, etc - GitHub - WCHSoftGroup/ch34xser_macos: MacOS USB driver for USB to serial chip ch340, ch341, ...
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