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#Artemis git questions
Thread channel in help
bpmct 03/31/2023 12:10 AM
Playing around with artemis and had two questions about the git support:
1. Will it auto update if I push new changes to a branch, is there a way to configure the interval it checks? Or would I want to run some sort of pipeline to push new versions?
2. Is there a way to use private repos with Artemis? Since I'm passing in a the wifi details, I could pass in a Github PAT too.

It seems like it'd be best if I used some type of GitHub action to update my fleet at this point, but just wanted to see if this was supported in the meantime.

(btw I'm just tinkering and know this isn't ready for prod)
floitsch 03/31/2023 07:25 AM
It will always be the cli that pushes the changes to the cloud.
We expect developers to run artemis fleet push --dry-run (or similar, like --prepare) on their machines, and then artemis fleet push on their buildbot (for example as a GitHub action on push to main).

Artemis is using git under the hood. As long as you give that the means to access your repository it will work. We can look into passing credentials through the Artemis cli to git, but so far we just expect that git has access; either through ssh keys or some other authentication that happened before Artemis cli was invoked.
bpmct 03/31/2023 08:08 PM
I see. Thanks!
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