I know this is esp specific, but I have a project currently working over the ESP-NOW protocol. (https://www.espressif.com/en/solutions/low-power-solutions/esp-now). I would love to convert my project from arduino to artemis as a POC. I am hoping this project will go live by end of year (custom board powered by esp8266 at the moment, but can potentially upgrade to esp32 if that is a way to get the project managed by artemis)
bitphlipphar04/07/2023 05:42 AM
So you're asking for the combination of Artemis and ESP-NOW? Using WiFi to connect to the cloud and ESP-NOW to communicate locally? Or something more involved?
mattsoftware04/07/2023 05:45 AM
Yea, My project doesn't currently use wifi at all, just sends messages over ESP-NOW locally to another ESP device nearby.