How do I add a new device in VSC? The device is flashed and I can run code via the terminal, but would like to have it in the device list:
bitphlipphar05/02/2023 08:54 AM
Hi @Svindborg. Are you using Jaguar for your development or are you using the toit command?
bitphlipphar05/02/2023 08:54 AM
I guess my question is how did you flash the device
Svindborg05/02/2023 08:54 AM
With Jaguar
bitphlipphar05/02/2023 09:18 AM
The VS code extension doesn't yet find Jaguar devices :(. You can use jag scan from within VS code by using the 'Jaguar: Scan for Jaguar devices' menu entry.
bitphlipphar05/02/2023 09:18 AM
Jaguar doesn't have a list of devices, but it can scan for devices that broadcast their information using UDP.