Can different processes/containers access the same GPIO pin? And what about I2C, and PWM generators. Or can more processes register for the same pin transition? I can try it out, but will first wait for your advice
Can different processes/containers access the same GPIO pin? And what about I2C, and PWM generators. Or can more processes register for the same pin transition? I can try it out, b...
floitsch05/24/2023 01:58 PM
Resources are locked to specific containers. It's thus not possible to use the same gpio pin in different containers at the same time. Same is true for I2C, PWM, ...
floitsch05/24/2023 01:59 PM
One approach to work around this issue is to implement an "owner" container that has control over the peripheral. The other containers would then communicate with that owner through RPC. (Basically a driver).
RobvanLopik05/24/2023 02:17 PM
Is this handled on a "first come, first serve" basis?