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#opening connection to Service crashes on ESP WROVER
Thread channel in help
theHuanter 08/09/2023 07:25 AM
Running my App crashes with:
fatal: Unexpected class tag abort() was called at PC 0x400f7abb on core 1 ****************************************************************************** Decoding by `jag`, device has version <2.0.0-alpha.93> ****************************************************************************** Backtrace: 0x40087935:0x3ffcebd0 0x4009a645:0x3ffcebf0 0x4009de9d:0x3ffcec10 0x400f7abb:0x3ffcec80 0x400e8e4a:0x3ffcecd0 0x400e41c5:0x3ffcecf0 0x400e4e3c:0x3ffced20 0x400e645a:0x3ffceda0 0x400f6e59:0x3ffcedd0 0x400e6c40:0x3ffcee10 0x40083b3b:0x3ffcee30 0x400f6958:0x3ffceea0 0x400f6bfe:0x3ffceef0 0x400f6c2d:0x3ffcef20 0x400e96c6:0x3ffcef40 0x400e96ed:0x3ffcef60 jag: Failed to decode line. ****************************************************************************** ELF file SHA256: 717727454d7240f9 Rebooting... ets Jul 29 2019 12:21:46

which happens at this code:
api = MqttClient --timeout=(Duration --s=10) --if_absent=: null if not api: logger.error "API Service unavailable"

this error only happens on the WROVER module but not on the WROOM
theHuanter 08/09/2023 07:25 AM
@floitsch I created this thread to not spam the general channel
floitsch 08/09/2023 11:50 AM
I'm firefighting some syntax related issues right now, but I hope I can reproduce it today.
bitphlipphar 08/21/2023 12:08 PM
@erikcorry_arbat is trying to reproduce this now.
bitphlipphar 08/21/2023 12:09 PM
@erikcorry is trying to reproduce this now.
5 messages in total