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#mDNS with a Toit device
Thread channel in help
Drubi 09/04/2023 02:10 AM
I have a toit device running a web server on my home network and it would be great to be able access it using a .local domain through mDNS. Should this work out of the box? I'm a little inexperienced when it comes to networking and am not quite sure what the device name would be. Looking at the connected devices to my wifi I see one called toit but toit.local/toit.local:9000 bear no response.
I have a toit device running a web server on my home network and it would be great to be able access it using a .local domain through mDNS. Should this work out of the box? I'm a l...
floitsch 09/04/2023 09:39 AM
Unfortunately, mdns is not supported yet.
I think @erikcorry looked into it. So maybe he has more information.
erikcorry 09/04/2023 10:44 AM
We don't currently support mDNS in Toit.
erikcorry 09/04/2023 10:45 AM
There is some support in esp-idf, but I haven't tried it, and it's not controllable from Toit, so unless you can compile the name in it won't work.
Drubi 09/04/2023 03:59 PM
Ahh all good, I’ll just keep track of the IP
floitsch 09/04/2023 04:00 PM
For now that's probably the best. It's something that we would like to implement but that just hasn't made the top of our TODO lists yet.
Feel free to remind us from time to time.
6 messages in total