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#:thinking: How to identify the versions SW/FW components ?
Thread channel in help
kaxori 09/13/2023 11:59 AM
- Jaguar VM
- containers

Is there a way to find out that information with the jag tools ?
Would it be helpful to have command to provide them ?
kaxori 09/13/2023 01:08 PM
- 1. connect USB link and start jag monitor
floitsch 09/14/2023 10:50 AM
For Jaguar you would use jag container list to get the containers that are installed.
floitsch 09/14/2023 10:50 AM
Otherwise (and even with Jaguar), you can get a lot of information from the envelope that was used to flash a device.
floitsch 09/14/2023 10:50 AM
The tools/firmware tool can list the SDK version, what containers are installed, ...
floitsch 09/14/2023 10:50 AM
(tools/firmware in the SDK folder)
floitsch 09/14/2023 10:52 AM
For example:
ᐅ ~/.cache/jaguar/sdk/tools/firmware show --envelope ~/.cache/jaguar/v2.0.0-alpha.99/envelopes/firmware-esp32.envelope Envelope format version: 6 SDK version: v2.0.0-alpha.99 Containers: system: Kind: snapshot Id: f7f04f48-4d83-78fe-da65-4b16dcec9b79 Size: 212070 Flags: - trigger=boot - critical
floitsch 09/14/2023 10:53 AM
The SDK version can then lead you to the esp-idf that is used by looking at the .gitmodules of the corresponding SDK release.
floitsch 09/14/2023 10:55 AM
Actually... The .gitmodules file seems to have a different branch in it. :😦:
floitsch 09/14/2023 10:55 AM
So there isn't a super easy way to figure out which esp-idf is used.
kaxori 09/14/2023 02:28 PM
That means, if I only have the controller (flashed in the past and no further info) it is only possible to monitor the output to get some info ?
floitsch 09/14/2023 02:42 PM
If you write jag scan name-or-ip you can get some information about the installed versions.
floitsch 09/14/2023 02:43 PM
Together with jag container list that should give you a good picture of what is running.
kaxori 09/14/2023 06:43 PM
That is what i wanted !
:👍🏻: Thank you.
(:📝: should be documented in jag scan --help)
kaxori 09/14/2023 07:00 PM
I don't understand the difference between container Image and 31db8e31-4d46-5eca-aa84-4ad179ba4dae.snapshot
floitsch 09/16/2023 03:12 PM
I'm not sure the container id corresponds to the snapshot id. Will have to check. And if it doesn't I will try to find a way to get to it.
floitsch 09/18/2023 07:36 AM
I think the UUID of the snapshot isn't exposed yet. It would require a few (small) changes to the Jaguar service and Jaguar CLI.
17 messages in total