#Is there an expected delay between powering a newly flashed device and appearance in fleet status?
Thread channel in help
Niels R.12/04/2023 03:43 PM
I was just flashing six devices with something like $script_dir/artemis --fleet-root $environment serial flash -p $usbserial_path --group $group --baud 460800 and plugged them into my network. Is there any expected delay for those newly flashed devices to appear under ./bin/artemis --fleet-root production fleet status?
floitsch12/04/2023 03:43 PM
They should appear as soon as they reported to the broker.
floitsch12/04/2023 03:45 PM
what you can do: 1. look at the serial output of one of the devices. 2. try artemis fleet status --include-never-seen. (edit: changed from --show-never-seen)(edited)
Niels R.12/04/2023 03:46 PM
" --show-never-seen" is available at what version?
floitsch12/04/2023 03:47 PM
Let me check. Might be called slightly differently
floitsch12/04/2023 03:47 PM
Niels R.12/04/2023 03:48 PM
That is helpful!
Niels R.12/04/2023 03:49 PM
I was hit by a network segmentation in the office. The devices were not able to connect
floitsch12/04/2023 03:50 PM
The serial output is extremely helpful.
floitsch12/04/2023 03:50 PM
In some cases we even recommend to attach a serial logger with sdcard to diagnose issues.
Yes, you are right. Should have debugged it beforehand. But I was having trouble with connectivity nevertheless, that's why I was expecting some issue.
floitsch12/04/2023 03:53 PM
No worries. It would be nice it wasn't necessary, and we have some ideas, but at the moment the serial output is extremely valuable.