I keep getting mqtt "DEADLINE_EXCEEDED" error on mqtt pkg 2.6.0, followed by a "out of memory" message, but I assume the OOM is caused by a new tls handshake. I checked the mqtt source, but I do not see any timeouts or deadline related to this.
If someone can point me in the right direction it would be nice. I would like to understand this exception better.
I keep getting mqtt "DEADLINE_EXCEEDED" error on mqtt pkg 2.6.0, followed by a "out of memory" message, but I assume the OOM is caused by a new tls handshake. I checked the mqtt so...
floitsch01/16/2024 12:54 PM
It's a bit weird, because the error message doesn't match up with the stack trace.
floitsch01/16/2024 12:54 PM
The error message is set in the close --reason function.
floitsch01/16/2024 12:55 PM
But we don't record where that happens...
floitsch01/16/2024 12:56 PM
The throw in line 138 just rethrows the reason it got for closing down.
Rikke01/16/2024 12:56 PM
Yes, thats why I am having problems figuring out where/why the "deadline" happens
floitsch01/16/2024 12:56 PM
If you want to know who set the reason the easiest is to add a line in the close function: close --reason=null:
if is_closed: return
if reason:
catch --trace: throw "get trace"
floitsch01/16/2024 12:57 PM
alternatively, you can go through the places where there is a call to close --reason= and add a --trace to the catch that is preceding it.
floitsch01/16/2024 12:58 PM
Not 100% sure that would always work.
floitsch01/16/2024 12:59 PM
To me it looks like there are only two places where this could happen: in the read and in the write function.
Rikke01/16/2024 01:00 PM
I will add some --trace and see if i can reproduce it again
floitsch01/16/2024 01:00 PM
I wonder if it's a default timeout from the TCP socket.
floitsch01/16/2024 01:00 PM
Just asked Kasper and Erik if they know more.
Rikke01/16/2024 01:01 PM
floitsch01/16/2024 01:06 PM
Erik things there shouldn't be one.
Rikke01/16/2024 01:09 PM
It happens when we have high mqtt activity, sending around 3-5 messages per second. And if I start OTA, which starts getting the image from a http client, I start to see this error. I will keep looking
bitphlipphar01/16/2024 01:21 PM
There is a timeout on the TLS handshake.
bitphlipphar01/16/2024 01:21 PM
Rikke01/16/2024 02:07 PM
And we are getting handshakes randomly, or only when we try to (re)connect?
floitsch01/16/2024 02:07 PM
Only when connecting
Rikke01/16/2024 02:07 PM
Okay its not the tls handshake then
Rikke01/18/2024 07:33 AM
Cannot figure out why it happens, but it does seem related to high mqtt activity.
floitsch01/18/2024 08:34 AM
The best is probably to add more debugging information to the mqtt package.
floitsch01/18/2024 08:35 AM
You can just change it in the .packages directory. (It's read-only by default, but that's easy to change). Just remember to revert eventually (removing the directory and doing a pkg install).