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#Would the RFM95 LoRa Driver be able to connect to services such as TTN?
Thread channel in help
ApEf 02/22/2024 09:33 AM
Hello, as per a previous thread I was informed that there exist a LoRa driver for the RFM95 (and therefore the SX1262). In the project me and my friend are working on we want to be able to connect to a service such as The Things Network, to be able to view and collect the output from our Wireless Stick V3 device through LoRa.

However, the TTN service requires that the end device (the IoT device) registers on the network using Over The Air Activation (OTAA) configuration. (

Our assumption is that the driver does not support this, based on our understanding after reading it.

Is there another way for us to test and verify that the device is able to send and recieve through LoRa? Or would it be possible to extend the driver to include OTAA configuration?
Every end device must be registered with a network before sending and receiving messages. This procedure is known as activation. There are two activation methods available:
Over-The-Air-Activation (OTAA) - the most secure and recommended activation method for end devices. Devices perform a join procedure with the network, during which a dynamic...
floitsch 02/22/2024 09:41 AM
It looks like "OTAA" is based on LoRaWAN which we haven't implemented yet.
From what I know, LoRaWAN would be on top of the LoRa device driver.
floitsch 02/22/2024 09:42 AM
For sending and receiving, you should be able to just send/receive between two of your devices.
ApEf 02/22/2024 09:47 AM
Would it be possible to use a LoRaWAN c-library? If we use for example services to communicate with the c-code?
floitsch 02/22/2024 09:48 AM
It might be possible, but not trivial. I wouldn't recommend going in that direction.
ApEf 02/22/2024 09:58 AM
Currently we own just 1 device with the SX1262 chip, we assume however that it would be possible to communicate with another device running for example ESP-IDF (as our other devices use another chip, for example SX1276), would this work to test the communication?
floitsch 02/22/2024 09:59 AM
Yes. I think you can test the communication with a device running Toit and another running either Toit or just ESP-IDF.
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