That's a bug in the documentation. I will fix it asap. The flag exists, but it can't be used as early. It must come after the container install
floitsch03/24/2024 11:47 AM
It should be: firmware -e firmware.envelope container install -o hello.envelope hello hello.envelope
floitsch03/24/2024 11:53 AM
Updated documentation is building and should be online within ~10minutes.
kaxori03/24/2024 01:14 PM
thank you
kaxori03/24/2024 01:16 PM
An other question: Is jag run -d host --assets=xxx.assets yyy.toit supported ?
floitsch03/24/2024 01:16 PM
Probably not, but let me check
floitsch03/24/2024 01:18 PM
actually, it should be.
floitsch03/24/2024 01:18 PM
There is the --assets flag.
floitsch03/24/2024 01:18 PM
Behind the scenes container install and run use very similar paths, so if container install supports a feature then run should too.
kaxori03/24/2024 01:19 PM
my test works on esp32 but on host the assets is empty
floitsch03/24/2024 01:19 PM
floitsch03/24/2024 01:19 PM
didn't see the -d host.
floitsch03/24/2024 01:19 PM
Yes. that doesn't work.
floitsch03/24/2024 01:19 PM
-d host takes a different path internally.
floitsch03/24/2024 01:21 PM
Not completely sure, how I would add assets to desktop applications. If I don't forget and Kasper isn't on vacation next week, I will maybe discuss it with him.
kaxori03/24/2024 01:21 PM
kaxori03/30/2024 03:41 PM
@bitphlipphar It is still unclear, if assets can be assigned to a host device.
floitsch03/30/2024 04:00 PM
We don't support that yet.
kaxori03/30/2024 04:24 PM
To avoid ambiguities, a note could be included in the 'jag run' help ... ?