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#Error: didn't find any Jaguar devices
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Qvist 03/24/2024 10:39 AM

Have tried and succeeded in flashing a handful of ESP32 devices (D, E and a GPy 1.0). The problem that I am facing with all of them is that I cannot interact with them over WiFi without manually setting the ip with the -d flag.

Version: v1.31.0
SDK version: v2.0.0-alpha.143

When I run jag run x.toit, I get:

Error: didn't find any Jaguar devices. Perhaps you need to be on the same wifi as the device. You can also specify the IP address of the device

I opened the instead and tried provisioning and claiming the device there instead. It failed to claim the device. This was the same case for all of the devices that I tried with. Tried both with a 2.4 GHz WPA3 network and a personal hotspot from my iPhone. No spaces in the SSID and with Maximise Compatibility enabled.

Next thing I will try, if you dont have any other suggestions, is to create an IoT network with another router.
floitsch 03/24/2024 11:58 AM
The problem you are facing is likely that your computer and the ESP32 aren't on the same network. Jaguar is designed to be run in a local network, and uses UDP broadcast packages to announce the presence of the devices. Those are often not routed from one network to another.

If the device is still reachable through IP addresses, then giving the IP address to Jaguar can still make it work. Typically we would do this as a scan step. For example:
jag scan
This can be necessary if the ESP and the dev-PC aren't in the same network, but is also sometimes required when a Windows firewall is a bit too conservative.

If you want to access your devices outside of your home network, then Jaguar isn't really designed for that (it's a dev tool). We recommend to use Artemis ( instead.

The Toit console is deprecated and should only be used for legacy devices.
Qvist 03/24/2024 12:07 PM
Hi Florian

Thanks for your reply.

They are on the same network. I get this from monitor:
Qvist 03/24/2024 12:08 PM
After running the suggested command, I get this:
Scanning for device with name: 'local-mail' Error: didn't find any Jaguar devices. Perhaps you need to be on the same wifi as the device. You can also specify the IP address of the device
Qvist 03/24/2024 12:09 PM
But if instead run it with jag run -d hello.toit it successfully runs on the device.
floitsch 03/24/2024 12:20 PM
jag scan should set the default device to that address.
floitsch 03/24/2024 12:20 PM
After that it should be possible to just run without giving any address or name
floitsch 03/24/2024 12:20 PM
jag run hello toit
Qvist 03/24/2024 12:21 PM
Great. Thanks Florian. Now I can start building
floitsch 03/24/2024 12:21 PM
Jaguar doesn't remember name associations. So doing a jag run -d foobar would make it do a new scan. And since scans don't work in your setup things break...
Qvist 03/24/2024 12:24 PM
Thought something else was wrong, because I followed the guide to the letter:
floitsch 03/24/2024 12:24 PM
It assumes that the UDP packets make it to the desktop.
floitsch 03/24/2024 12:24 PM
I will revisit it and see if I can add more troubleshooting instructions
13 messages in total