Hello Friends, I am looking for a newer board for my first Toit setup. This one sounds quite good. Is it supported? https://www.adafruit.com/product/5477 Is the PSRAM version also supported?
The ESP32-S3 has arrived in Feather format - and what a great way to get started with this powerful new chip from Espressif! With dual 240 MHz cores, WiFi and BLE support, and native USB, ...
Hello Friends, I am looking for a newer board for my first Toit setup. This one sounds quite good. Is it supported? https://www.adafruit.com/product/5477 Is the PSRAM version als...
floitsch07/25/2024 07:42 AM
Yes. this board is supported.
floitsch07/25/2024 07:44 AM
The esp32s3 envelope has spiram enabled by default. If the feather uses octal spiram (faster) then you would just need to use the esp32s3-spiram-octo envelope.
floitsch07/25/2024 07:46 AM
My (short) Internet search seems to indicate that the feather doesn't use the octal mode, so just "esp32s3" (as envelope) should be enough.
forsalebypwner07/25/2024 05:30 PM
I was able to just run jag flash --chip esp32s3 and it worked, but not sure if that will work in all cases for the reasons @floitsch mentioned
Timmy7708/02/2024 06:17 AM
Damit! After I have exposed this board on this thread, it has been sold out!