However trying to flash now using a freshly built envelope I see the following
) jag flash build/esp32c3/firmware.envelope
Error: Snapshot was built by SDK v2.0.0-alpha.163, but envelope is for SDK v2.0.0-alpha.163.10+2a13c0d6.
Error: exit status 1
I don't see a way to make jag flash ignore this error? is it possible?
One part of thee answer here is that the custom envelope build outputs a command using esptool to flash the FW onto the device using this (and not using jag) has the side affect of not including the wifi creds out of the box, but at least the code flashes
floitsch10/11/2024 12:50 PM
If you have Toit checked out, then I recommend to work with it directly: - set JAG_TOIT_REPO_PATH to the path of the SDK. - make in the Jaguar repository.
This will then direct Jaguar to build and use the SDK from the checked out repository.