I'm calling stringify or to-string on a ByteArray, and the output is getting truncated at the end, ie 0xf0, 0x7f, ...] I moved from stringify to to-string thinking it might solve my issue, as it has a from and to, that defaults to the full size, but it is still truncated. Is there any "easy" way to print the whole thing?
addshore01/30/2025 11:16 AM
I really should have changed the title of this post :P, not sure where i copy pastad that from
floitsch01/30/2025 11:21 AM
You need to write your own function. Something like.
That would be amazing, and thanks for the workaround for now!
addshore01/30/2025 11:27 AM
for my own personal usecase, I'd love to be able to change the format of stirngify for bytes too, but perhaps that best left to my own code
z3ugma02/02/2025 06:49 PM
@addshore I usually print out the shortened array and write the full bytearray to a file which lets me reference it later, in case you're open to another idea