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#Battery level
Thread channel in help 02/13/2025 03:03 PM
Hi there, @floitsch @bitphlipphar thanks in advance for any help
Im building an app on Toit, running on an ESP32 is a TTGO TBeam v1.1 PCB, that holds a OLED screen.. i would like to add somewhere on screen an indicator that shows the battery level of the device, just like on a cell phone... may be a battery icon with some progress depeding on the battery charge and a percentage number.. is there an easy way on Toit to read the current battery charge out of the PCB?? That is my question, what i would need to know, also if you have some sample code will be sure helpful
Best, Diego
(edited) 02/13/2025 03:50 PM
Just found a way... seems to work, thanks

import i2c
import gpio
import ..src.ttgo_tbeam

AXP192_I2C_ADDR := 0x34


bus := i2c.Bus
--scl=(gpio.Pin TTGO_TBEAM_SCL)
--sda=(gpio.Pin TTGO_TBEAM_SDA)

device := bus.device TTGO_TBEAM_DEVICE_AXP192

while true:
voltage_raw := read_register device 0x78 2
voltage := ((voltage_raw >> 4) * 1.1) / 1000

print "Battery voltage: $(voltage) V"

battery_percentage := ((voltage - 3.0) / (4.2 - 3.0)) * 100

print "Battery charge: $(battery_percentage) %"

sleep --ms=5000 // Espera antes de la próxima medición

read_register device reg length -> int:
buf := device.registers.read_bytes reg length
return (buf[0] << 8) | buf[1]
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