Wifi Access Point - Auth Mode
Stop jag startup on crashed container after `-D jag.disabled -D jag.timeout=16h`
Waiting for a list of tasks
using i2c from within the c-envelope and the toit container
Using reset reason
subabase demo
Pixelstrip on ESP32S3
Driver for CS5529 SPI
sending numerical values via notification
How to set up this esp-idf project as to allign with the custom toit enevlope template repo?
Firmware is "too big" to fit on ESP32C6 - the echo example
Failed generation of toit.pkg
out of memory on PCB
Likelyhood of getting uint64 support? :)
storage buckets and custom objects
Battery level
Ble AdvertisementData shows only one instance of Advertisement Data type
Jag Monitor Error: unexpected EOF
how to use TLS client without any server verification
Set hostname
ByteArray stringify and to-string truncation
Exception in TCP/MQTT context
How do I add assets to my containers using Jaguar?
Windows installation doesn't seem to work
PWM Issues
Question about the language construct
State bug with I2C library
pkg dhtxx: reports wrong temperature value if cold (T < 0°C)
BLE Adapter - can't close in the middle of a script
Ethernet esp32 board question
Can I separate compile and install?
"missing spec file" error
Extended Scan Response with BLE
Jag run -d host with Bluetooth scan never times out
wifi.scan causes an Assertion_Failed error
Issue with HTTP servers freezing (including jag?)
Find ip address on local network
Make jag flash not care about Snapshot vs envelope version
Two ESP devices that are seemingly the same acting different when flashing `Invalid image block`
ESPNOW Tutorial?
Can't call result of evaluating expression list[12:]
is it possible to use I2C bus devices with 16-bit register addresses ?
Measurement data to RGB-color transformation.
Overview of how to implement a new EPaper Display?
Guru Meditation Error
local packages registry error
Passing assets in jag commandline
Out of memory following the OLED display example
Callback-like paradigm for http.Server
Is this ESP32-S3 board supported by Toit?
SPI help (for epaper driver)
DS18b20 Using Multiple Devices on the same bus
GPIO pin in use; how to debug this?
PCF8574 and HD44780
What are the built-in Wi-Fi provisioning methods of Toit + ESP32?
Machine Learning model on ESP32
ESP32-C2 (seeed studio) cannot connect
How to wait in a host app for an user input (keyboard event) ?
BLE Just Works Encrypted Pairing and Bonding
Wierd crash for printing hex values
Bluetooth GATT Handle to UUID Mapping
How to Decode stack-trace with a custom envelope
BLE GATT Subscription, using Monitors or Tasks
GPIO Trigger container in artemis on low/high
Raspberry Pi 4B, Toit SDK, ublox cellular & GNSS
How does Toit handle GPIO of Raspberry Pi?
Compilation on Raspberry Pi 4B failed
I`ve found an old ESP-12S board.
I2C read from 16bit register address
'firmware' command without -o option
Constant Out of Memory errors - How to optimize?
Getting device id?
Missing implementations for 'set-no-delay'
Steps to use pkg-cli ?
Move a device from one group to another
Error: didn't find any Jaguar devices
ESPNow crashes on ESP32-S3
ESP32-S3 PWM error
RMT driver fail when running the DHT11 example code
suppress Jaguar logs on ESP32-S2
Implement services for communication in preexisting project
catch behavior unclear
WebSocket, "Invalid frame header"
DEADLINE_EXCEEDED on mqtt pkg 2.6.0
Is it intended that i2c.close also closes the associated gpio channels ?
Would the RFM95 LoRa Driver be able to connect to services such as TTN?
ESPNow send and receive with dedicated addresses
ESP-S3 boot halt
- blocking when using DYP-A01 package together with the A02YYUW ultrasonic sensor
BLE advertising only advertises Object Transfer Service
Jag scan + IP connection refused. Serial monitor says: recvfrom failed errno 11
Where is the regex?
How to scan for wifi networks when already connected to wifi?
ESP32 16Mb
How to serve HTML, CSS, Javascript files
Unkown Error in trying to initate PWM
How can I reset my Toit password after using email-based authentication?
Is there an expected delay between powering a newly flashed device and appearance in fleet status?
I2c Communication with RP2040
Why is esp32.reset_reason != 1 after power on ?
MQTT not Authorised is disconnecting wifi connection
Getting watchdog up and running
MQTT Client connection issue if broker is unavailabe
Brown out after Jaguar update
Correct way to read a pipe, for long content?
Newbie problem: Error: open COM16: The system cannot find the file specified.
Problem DeepSleep on ESP32C3 Jaguar v2.0.0-alpha.106 ,
exception DHT22 => needs update to dhtxx V1.4.0 (solved)
:thinking: How to identify the versions SW/FW components ?
Wrong duration after Reset ?
warning: Time.from_string renamed to Time.parse (solved)
Samsung phones and captive portal
mDNS with a Toit device
Problem with changing pages in HTML handling ..
ESP32 task watchdog
How to use 'jag watch' on host ? (solved)
opening connection to Service crashes on ESP WROVER
`jag flash` failed: termios.error: (22, 'Invalid argument')
Why Exception error after start of new application ? (solved)
How to wait for more than one resource ? (solved)
Exception Error: Malloc Failed
Problems with RootCertificate (solved)
How to use the logger ? (solved)
BLE stops wroking after multiple read/write to characteristics
ESP32-C3 A3 (GPIO5) not usable.
Why is the ADS1115 on I2C so ultra slow ? (solved)
How to save data (over deep sleep) permanently ? (solved)
How to implement an average filter ? (solved)
MQTT Publish on unconnected MQTT Client
How to handle different configurations in toit / jaguar ?
Error on ublox-gnss-driver - ver 1.1.1
M5Atom/M5StickC Plus
Get signal strength from modem
How to get the good old toit cli installed on my RPi v4
Routing problem
Can not use wifi STA when using wifi AP mode
Running multiple toit containers with a Global clock that can put ESP32 in deep sleep mode
SCD30 set the intervals
Capture Trigger event that run application
action repeater (solved)
Artemis different Wi-Fi APs
"as" meaning
I'm getting an OUT OF MEMORY error when using MQTT connecting to Azure IoT Hub
GPIO access across containers
Missing in artemis, device list/device del
LoRa/LoRaWAN finding the right devices to use
Trying to connect to AWS IoT Core using MQTT and certificates
MQTT Service
Jaguar: How do I update the firmware via WiFi?
Jaguar: How can I see my device in VS Code?
toit build fails on ARM64
touch exception
First off thank you to @floitsch for his in depth response about timing. now more help please.
Logs from a device remotely via artemis
Support for ESP-NOW protocol
Measure time
Hi, trying to fill a list, below is my code and result.
Help with debugging modem example problem
sleep itself seems to take 9 ms
Artemis git questions
Heap usage
Toit VS Code extension high CPU usage (MacOS)
INA219 Driver
SD Card Example?
MPU 6050 help!!
Device ID mismatch
UART write leads to device reset
OTA with FirmwareWriter freezes esp32 on alpha63
Error with ESP32-C3 (failed to target RAM)
[wifi] DEBUG: closing | freezes on alpha.63+
Jaguar wifi closes (ESP32S3)
can I still sign up online account? Went to the, can not find anything for it
The amount of SD card files slows down Ota
BLE notifications
SD Card Format
Use of --ram ?
Inter-task communication
MQTT Libary Problems
I2S Audio on ESP32-WROVER-E
jag flash port select
"DEBUG: Attempting to (re)connect"
Toit CMD authentication
several Toit application can not send data concurrently to adafruit+mqtt
Update wifi settings without re-flashing
BLE Connection to device which does not advertise any services
Running `jag watch hello.toit` does not notice when the hello.toit file is changed on MacOS
'toit' is not recognized as an internal or external command
jag command is not recognized as an internal or external command in Windows 10 and 11
Console Working?
string contains
Problems with highspeed UART and interrupt flags
tls malloc error
Chrome under MacOSX cannot seem to find the device to add it to the portal
INFO disconnect from server
Deep sleep
Can I get somekind of SPIFFS on my device with Toit?
Hello, any guidance to port TOIT into other microcontroller such as STM32 or IMX.RT from Nxp?
Error forkexec homepi.cachejaguarsdkbintoit.compile no such file or directory
Sequans cellular example fails
Error message unclear with alpha.47
MQTT client doesn't realize that it lost its connection to the broker
jag run crashes toit vm on ESP32 and ESP32S3
wait_for pin is unreliable
Hello, I am trying to use DHT11 package, but I got this error although I installed the package
Erro no jag flash
server_tls.toit examples throws exception when client connects
Initialization of global 'client' in progress.
CoPilot vscode setup?
Unable to OTA after upgrading to version 35
Unable to flash to ESP32
vscode setup?
Help with HTTP library
UDP connected socket, any obvious omission?